Friday, October 9, 2009


I had to drag myself out of bed today. Commuted with Wayne to San Francisco, got a ride to Berkeley from Robert, a co-worker and still arrived an hour earlier than usual. Public transportation would have taken two hours from San Rafael to Berkeley. It would have meant a 20 minute walk to the bus station, taking one bus over the bridge, to the Richmond Bart station, then another bus to San Pablo Ave, transferring to one last bus to Gilman, and then walking 6 blocks to the warehouse.

The good news is Wayne's Sebring is fixed, $650 for a new fuel pump since they have to remove the gas tank to put it in. So I can drive my car to work next week. And he is coming to pick me up in Berkeley. All this to save $40 for a car rental for one day (and the hassle of picking it up and returning it.)

Time to sign off and go vacuum the office. We let the janitor go in February. Tomorrow will be better.

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